I've been obsessed with interior design for years and just as with fashion, I now know what looks good on me . . . and what looks good in my house. I know that this chest would work beautifully, I wish it were mine.

I still enjoy looking at all the
different styles, from vintage modern to country cottage, but I don't easily get side tracked. I am past the trends! At the same time, I don't
encourage anyone to become frozen in time either. Edit. Add. Refresh. A room is never "done". Our homes are our own individual canvases, you will in time, learn, that you don't have to try everything that is new. I find this image very
interesting, but it does not fit me.

The owner of this room knows their "Signature Style". A person who knows their own style will stay true to what they love, caring less what the rest are doing. They know what feels good and what is comfortable to them. The personal journey of searching has ended , and it feels GREAT!

I love this style so much and would love to think that it would fit into my humble adobe . . . but in truth, it is most likely a bit too rough. Do you know what your Signature Style is? How would you describe it? Could you define it in 5 words? If so, CELEBRATE ! If not, don't give up, keep searching, it will come. My style in 5 words . . . Old world, warm, unpretentious, uncluttered and patina. What are your 5 words?