If you find yourself in Abilene, TX in need of a place to stay, be sure to check out "The Sayles Ranch Guesthouse" owned by Terry and Laura Browder. The Browder's buy free standing homes and after Terry works his magic, they rent them out. A Texas style B&B . . . This one was named "Cotton Eyed Joe", I love that table and the clever way Terry hides the flat screen , the walls, the raised ceiling ect. But the star of the home for me, has to be the floors !

I love Terry's approach to design . . . " I am not in to just buying stuff off a showroom floor and most of the stuff I use is either antique or just plain junk. I wouldn't know Lee Jofa from Lee Harvey Oswald . . . often the deciding factor in how a room , or even how a house comes together is determined by what I find."

He claims that his work is very much like Forrest Gump . . . " it's like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get." I bet no one thought they would get walls lined in old book covers. No, I bet they did not, but then they did not know Mr. Browder !

Terry claims that decorating is just solving challenges until you get it right. None of it is very sophisticated, but it causes one to stretch their mind and come up with creative solutions.

I love how bold and creative he is, always willing to take chances. Terry has the magic and to see it up close and personal , why not take a road trip to a little place called Abilene. I'm sure you will leave feeling very satified indeed.
http://www.saylesranch.com/ Tell them Vicky sent you . . .