Decorating a space should always start with the answer to this very important question, "Who am I ?"truthfully, not the fantasy me, but the real me...

Make decorating choices based on how items make you feel, not what's available, "On Sale", or free from the in-laws. Everyone has a budget some big, some small, all can be worked with. Remember your home is not a show room, it's a place to nurture your emotions and your interest.

When you do not have the funds to start over, you just have to be smarter... So loosen up, you probably have more flare than you give yourself credit for.

Your home is the one place where you should be safe and free to live your life your way. It should reflect the people who live there. So, Who Am I ? Simplicity and unpretentious, as comfortable as a new pair of cashmere socks...Tell me , Who are YOU ?