As my Anniversary date came closer, I tried to think of something to give away, to thank all my readers for giving me just a bit of
their time each week. I felt the "Jeanne d' Arc Living " magazine would be perfect because they are so hard to come by, at least they are, on this side of the mountain . . .

So after searching high and low, I finally got one off of "
EBay". Imagine my surprise when so many of you were clueless to what it was! It is a
beautiful magazine from Denmark, only distributed through Jeanne d' Arc retailers. It is 150 plus pages full of beautiful white kitchens, Swedish gardens and wonderful country recipes . Hard to come by and very much prized my us in the U.S.

But we do not need to search . . . all we have to do is go visit Chrissy at "The
Apothacary Shop"!
http://theapothacaryshop.blogspot.com/ That's right, all these lovely images are "Chrissy's" She has all the style of the Jeanne d' Arc, and is right here in my computer!

Chrissy and her husband John have the most delightful Victorian home, full of rustic charm. Her husband makes a lot of the furniture and Chrissy adds the Swedish charm . . .

Lots of layering and lots of white, it is so wonderful to see how she can put it all together. Chrissy is a "Style Maker" and a friend. Go over and take a look.