I am sure all my friends and family have heard me say, "Matchy Matchy Poo Poo" before.
I just hate for there to be more than two pieces, of any furniture set, in the same room. For me two is fine, but put three in and it is way too much.

When everything is " Matchy Matchy Poo Poo," Your room is BORING!!!

It locks you into a look that you may soon tire of . . . it leaves out the element of surprise, that special piece that makes one stop, take notice and wonder . . .

And for me, it is even worst when the pieces are all leather. So take a few chances, if you have already fallen into this decorating trap, move the pieces into different rooms. Step out of the box and show more creativity in your castle.
my thoughts exactly! It reminds me of a deal at Sears, ugh!
ReplyDeleteI agree! And the funny thing is I did that, I bought complete sets (all furniture bought in my 20's) and I'm in my 30's now, and I hate it. I wish I would have known better than. What to do.. humm...
ReplyDeleteVery well said! I detest matchy matchy, I even have two different chairs at the ends of my dining table. I have a very modern sofa mixed with a vintage looking settee and now I've thrown in a wild chair from Pier 1....and I love it!
P.S. How's that baby?
Here!- Here!...Mix it up!
ReplyDeletexoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
I so agree...I love to mix leather with fabric and add pillows that a different too! Come say hi :D
ReplyDeleteI am on the band wagon with you on this one!! I have made up another word, You will see it in one of my upcoming post. It is called Smatches, that means the matchiness Smacks!! you in the face, Please feel free to use is when appropriate,he he. Kathysue
ReplyDeletePS I do have bedroom furniture that matches but it definitely does not Smatch!!
aaahhhh yes, the Thomasville phenomenon!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are sooo right. I don't like matchy matchy either. I use to buy sets and then we started mixing instead. My bedroom has two matching pieces and a third that looks like it is the same, but really isn't and then I put an antique sideboard in for my nightstand. I like to think out of the box!
ReplyDeleteOh I so dislike this too. Just not pretty and has no personality. I love the collected over time look. Hugs, Marty
ReplyDeleteAh! Now you tell us! Makes good sense, though.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny how many people absoutely don't know any better. "Gotta have the whole set". I hear it all the time. I try to be nice and give suggestions, but it goes ignored. Also with clothing. All my life if someone said to me "what a cute outfit" I always said "it's not an OUTFIT" I would purposely throw in something unexpected so I wouldn't be wearing an "outfit".
That's what I call the Garanimal Syndrome!
ReplyDeleteI agree totally with you. It is very boring and to think that I used to decorate in that manner. Thank goodness someone showed me the light and I've not looked back since then.
ReplyDeleteWonder when the matchy trend actually started. And more importantly, WHY? Cute post! ~Lili
ReplyDeleteI agree. I think those that people that like to play it safe opt for the Matchy Matchy Poo Poo idea. No imagination!!
ReplyDeleteOh gosh, yes! I hate matchy-matchy sets! I actually tell clients outright if they are going to be looking at furniture "do not get the set". I think it becomes a fallback, like beige walls, because it's easier to buy something that is put together for you.
ReplyDeleteWell I am stepping out of the box and kicked it down the street,I painted my kitchen Coco Bean. It looks like bitter sweet chocolate.We are still working on it, so will post when done.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit I feel some pity and sadness for people that buy matchy stuff as they quite possibly aren't very creative and don't have a clue how to put a room together and would often love some suggestions as to what will/won't work. However, if you offer advice and it's ignored then I'd give up and let them go on their merry way.
Excellent points!
ReplyDeleteI'm a vintage/estate sale girl so nothing I have is ever really part of a set.
Completely agree with you. Most people don't know better though and it seems like such a good/easy idea to just buy the set. One decision and you're done! I did some design work for a friend who insisted on keeping her four matching, bought twenty years ago, glass-topped tables - 1 cocktail, 1 square end, 1 round end and 1 sofa table. So we did but I spread them around the large room interspersed with new tables and other surfaces so that you couldn't really see more than two of them at a time. Not the ideal situation but it was a fun challenge!
ReplyDeleteYeah, who started that ugly rumor that everything had to match anyway? And more importantly why did so many believe it?
ReplyDeleteBut I do love the sound of "matchy, matchy, poo, poo" LOL!
ReplyDeleteOh you know I agree with you don;t you?!?!? Drives me mad..yet people seem to like it don;t they? Hope you have had a good weekend,we have all been sick with colds...ahhh!! Talk soon,Chrissy
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for stopping by and looking at my mirror. I think it turned out pretty good. Again, have a great week. So, you like my legs huh??? :)
ReplyDeleteYep, sends me right over the edge too! I owned my one any only set as a newlywed when we needed cheap furniture for our basement...fast!
ReplyDeleteSo true, so true. If only I knew this when I bought my bedroom suite 20 years ago, but I still love it. I just change up the bedding and curtains and move the room around. It works for me. I do understand what you are saying though. My bedroom suite is solid wood and a rice bed, so it has never really gone out of style for me.
ReplyDeleteI just love when you stop by to visit and leave your sweet comments.
I couldn't agree more! How fun would it be to buy a "bedroom suite of furniture"....NOT!
ReplyDeleteI think the trick is to look as if it has been collected over time...not too hard for me :) I think so often people try and copy the "showroom" look instead of using it as a starting point!
ReplyDelete* Vicky-girl~ Re: "matchy-matchy"~~~ Where is the PERSONAL STYLE? The "BLING"? The sharing of WHO lives there, what THEY love/what's important to THEM/where they've been... where they're "going", WHO they are? That's always what I wonder?
ReplyDeleteI THINK "fear"/lack of confidence leads to purchasing a whole set, ESPECIALLY when we're younger, & it all seems so "easy"~ so "quick", so "safe", so "convenient" (everything's "there", at one price"...... "we can deliver this week", etc)...
It appears to me that one who can break away from this, for lack of a better word, "habit", (albeit slowly, if needed... I mean, it CAN be scary & intimidating!) is sooooo far ahead of the gsme!!!
May I suggest "just doin it"? Take the chance. Trust yourself. Talk it over with & include your spouse initially (altho you may want to kick yourself LATER, after he THINKS he's now very KNOWLEDGEABLE on it all!!! GRINS!!!!), to get HIS read on what HE truly LIKES or DISLIKES!
Beds are SO big (& obviously/USUALLY, the focal point of the space), so what about starting off w/ TRYING "DIFFERENT" nighsttands/tables~~~ THINK OUT OF THE BOX*** TRY NEW THINGS*** YOU'LL BE SURPRIZED! (And you can always retrieve the old one/s from the garaage if all else fails).
I could write a book on bedrooms, I think (NOT that I'm necessarily "that good" or "qualified" (or VAIN to tink I really COULD!!!), BUUUUT, because I actually just finished a MANNNNY-MONTHS redo of our master bedroom, to include an entire fireplace wall of Yavapai Stone (Yes, THAT was my SPURGE, no doubt about it, besides the hardwood floors!). And boy dID i learn alot.... about ALOT!!!!!
The last "BIG" thing is the arrival of the new bed, & it'll STILLLL be weeks~~~ (I can hardly stand the wait!!!). We ABSOLUTELY adore it already, THO~~~ Yes, EVEN MY DEAREST HUZ ACTUALLY loves it too- alot! (I was soooooo hapPily surprized!)!
As time goes by I'll add or change just a few things to fine-TUNE IT ALL, but THIs TIME I refuse to "rush it"~~~~~ I'm going to wait til "it" "speaks to me", and THAT will be fun!!!
So in the end Vicky, matchy-matchy, IMHO, is like eating M & M's, but withOUT any colors on them~~~~ B-O-R-I-N-G, and it takes away 1/2 the fun!!!
Know this is long (& I've already shortened it many tiMes!), so girlfriend, feel free to "send me a bill" for all the space I took up!
~~~~"WHO LOVES YA, BABY?~~~~~~~
XO as always to our Tater Tot!!!
Love, Linda in AZ
(P.S. Sorry, I'll be QUICK, but I've JUST GOT to say I can't WAIT to see ARTIS' NEW "COCOA BEAN" KITCHEN when it's finished~~~~ that sounds like the color dreams are made of!!!!)
ReplyDeleteStepping outside the box, I am going to be one that will partially agree with you re matching Furniture SETS. Reason, I feel that one can have identical pieces but 'when dressed' in different ways they will adopt an identity of their own. Take for example the second photo with matching sofa and two chairs...Identical Triplets. Now take the two chairs and replace the fabric, substitute the firm cushion with a much softer down-filled wrapped one and you have an entirely different looking chair....Fraternal Triplets but still with the same genetics (frame).
ReplyDeleteDo I personally like matchy-matchy? NO, but I have walked into people's homes where they have such a mix of furniture (style, pattern, texture, color), it would make anyones head spin like a scene from the Exorcist.
With all the above said and on both accounts, I feel one can be as bad as the other if not ad----dressed properly.
I found you!
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone, I enjoyed all your insights and comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you all the way -- especially leather on leather on leather. I hope someone comes along and takes your great advice to step out a bit...-s
ReplyDeleteI popped over from Cote de Texas and this post title made me laugh out loud- I had to read!
ReplyDeleteSo agree with you...but the worst part is hiding my dismay over choices made by excited friends with simply- NO CLUE!! Perhaps they think our collected over time look is terrible too?? The HORROR!