Saturday, October 23, 2010

Photography Class "Homework"

You guys asked for info on my class, so here are a few tips . . . always have your subject looking in the same direction. This is my Mom and her dog, Owen. I told mom to follow Owen, this is easier than trying to give a dog directions.

Be aware of the background and where the sun is hitting. I also find if the person is not looking at you, they seem to be more relaxed.

Here I was "Stopping the Action", you can do this by changing the "Shutter Speed," but I did it by Changing the setting of my camera to the "guy running". If the subject is not going any faster than a man can run, this setting will work fine.

Now, does this look like a "Great Grandmother" ?


  1. In the last photo, I was putting the subject in the first 1/3 of the picture. This is another tip for a interesting photo.

  2. I am by no means good at this yet... but as I learn I will continue to share, if you want. So, let me know !

  3. I guess I am trying to make sure I have alot of Just wanted to let those that don't know, that I am using a Canon Rebel.

  4. Looks like you are learning a lot. I've been following along at My 3 Boybarians for her 31 days to better photography, but I need to do more h.w.

  5. Your good darlin...and your Mom looks amazing!! Hope you are well,heres one more comment to add to your list.hahaha!! x0x0

  6. Hi Vicki, so fun to hear what you are learning a friend of mine has mentioned that we take a digital camera class together, you are encouraging me to do so. I got your comment I would never be P.... off at you, for what?!!! You are my buddy. Thanks for noticing I was not around it is good to be home!!! Kathysue

  7. What great tips! You are really fortunate to be able to take this class...I simply must look for something like it here. The dog is so cute and your Mother looks amazing...and she also looks like she is having a whole bunch of fun.(-:

  8. These are so much nicer than the ordinary posed "snapshot" - you should be pleased with your results. And at least one of your attractive subjects probably likes them too - the other one might rather be chasing a ball!

  9. GReat tips! (And, no, I wouldn't have guessed her to be a great grandmom.)

  10. Oh my goodness! What a story. Thank you for sharing it with me. Thank God your mom found him. They both sound blessed by having been brought together :)

  11. I'm so glad you're getting so much from your photography class. These images are great. While the point & shoot method sounds comvenient, you can really achieve an enormously better result if you just spend 15 seconds thinking about the composition and turning a dial on your camera, right? You are a big inspiration for me! And, your mom looks awesome!!!

  12. Hi Vicki, I appreciate your tips! Keep em coming. Also browsed down through your latest post and had a good time looking at all the decor ideas!

  13. Those are great tips, Vicky, thanks.
    No, your mom does not look like a great-grama, good for her for staying active and young looking!
    Hugs, Cindy

  14. Your mom sure looks amazing! Great photos, Vicky!...Christine
