Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too "Cute" for Words . . .

Kathysue at "Good Life of Design" has a great post going right now. Be sure to check it out. It really hit home for me because I had just put out my Easter Decorations when a college student came over to help me with a computer program I had just purchased. She walked into my house and for the first time I heard, " ahhhhh your house is so CUTE ! "

I have never thought of my home as cute . . .

For some reason, I did not like it . . .

But when I look at all the bunnies, I can see come cuteness has slapped me silly.

Since when did "Cute" become something I did not want to be? So let's hear it . . . do you think I am cute? really. . . cute???


  1. Vicky: Weird Terry, here. I don't like the "cute" word either because I think it just isn't serious enough for deliberate creative work. Your Easter decorations are tasteful, and blend well with your decor. However, that said, one must appreciate sincere compliments, however they are spoken, because, after all, we never get (or give) enough of them! Happy Easter!

  2. Only thing cute about you is Little Man Tate! You've way too much taste for CUTE!

  3. Naw Vickster your Easter decor IS cute, but you home definitely isn't! I know I hate that "cute"'s the kiss of design death *winks* Vanna

  4. I love the bunnies. Except the one coffee table. He looks like dinner ;)

  5. I don't want anyone to think I thought bad of the sweet girl that came to visit and help this old woman with her computer. I know she was giving me a compliment, it was just the word "cute" that hit me like a log across the face. lol

  6. The bunnies are cute, but your home is elegant.


  7. twitterpaited ... that's you
    darntootin cute

    after all it IS bunnie season.

  8. Hi Vicky, Thank you for the shout out and I hear you girl, we are on the same page with the cuteness issue!!! Charming that is what your Easter decor is, just charming. xo Kathysue

  9. I agree with Sissie and Kathysue, your home is elegant and your Easter decor is charming!

  10. Enchanting? maybe. But cute? No. I love the look of your home. The bunnies are for a season-- an enchanted season!
    "cute" was more a lack of vocabulary~ Like,you know, 'like'...

    I love the decor-- at least your bunnies aren't pink, and made more for window decals...

    nuff said~ Pat

  11. I don't think that the room is cute...but elegant ant tasteful. But, your seasonal decorations are cute. Love the bunnies.(-:

  12. Please bear in mind the limited vocabulary of an undergrad!
    "Cute" is the superlative to end all superlatives!
    Imagine the erudite compliments you will receive after she gets a degree! LOL!

  13. I agree with Divine Theatre! Also, keep in mind that cute means "pleasing to the eye". Your home is beautiful!

  14. Corn and Divine got this right: at that age, girls say that to each other about their outfits or hairstyle. It's just their way of saying "I like it" or even "That's fabulous" - so it was simply the first thing she said. In no way does it reflect on your home - although your bunnies might all qualify.

  15. Devine and Corn hit it exactly correct. Age has everything to do with it. Of course it's still a compliment so just accept it from whence it came. And btw your home is lovely.

    I had forgotten you blog for comments Vicky so please forgive me for not posting sooner. I was just being my cute self LOL.

  16. "A bit strange' Brenda here leaving a comment.
    Your little Grandson is CUTE and your home is..... lets see, ummm......cutielicious? Hugs, hugs

    P.S: Just kidding Ms. Vicky as your home is actually quite l-o-v-i-l-e-e!

  17. Thanks guys, I do feel better. And Strange Brenda... I love u too. smiles

  18. No. You are definitely not cute. Elegant, warm, cozy, and on, but not cute. My stomach would cring if someone called my house cute, lol, so I totally get it :) Somehow, cute and tacky seem married in my mind, whether true or not.

  19. Cute doesn't mean what it did back in the day. We all think of cute as precious grandma bait kinda stuff. This younger generation has turned it into the new pretty. I don't care for cute- it brings to mind 8 thousand teddy bears on the stairs from 1984. lol But like we have evolved so did the word.
