Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pet Peeves ~ Too Many Pillows

I have a few "pet peeves" as I am sure we all do. I thought it might be fun to add these to my list of "blog topics ".
Too many pillows is wrong in so many ways. They add visual clutter to a space , they make making a bed to complicated and then, there is always the fluffing . . .

And tell me . . . just where is one to sit?


  1. haha very true! I look forward to more pet peeves from you. Glad I found your blog!

  2. I have mixed feeling about pillows, sometime I love the look and sometimes it really is way too much, but I do think there should be a place to sit. lol Maybe there's a balance somewhere. Hugs, Marty

  3. I am guilty as charged! My excuse is - and it is a legit one - I'm just a shorty and I need one behind me if I want my feet to touch the floor. Yippee! I think I finally found a brand of furniture for my livingroom sofa and loveseat - Smith Brothers. The frames are of a normal size! I can actually sit comfortably! Now I just need to find the right covers. Cross your fingers for me! ~ Robyn

  4. Hello my name is M, and I'm an pillowholic!
    But i am kicking my addiction i am down to two pillows on my sofa. Less is more!

  5. Oh, I admit it...I love me some pillows. I have my bed making down to an art. I can remove three pillows at a time and replace them that way, too! :-) Sometimes function takes a back seat to style in my house. :-) The pillows usually hit the floor on the upstairs sofa. This is always an interesting many pillows is tooooo many?

  6. Oh...and that last room you've's not meant for sitting, silly's meant to gaze upon and drool. :-)

  7. Hey Girlfriend...

    Hehe...what an interesting topic! I do love my pillows but agree that there is a point where too many is just too much! The great thing about pillows can bring in some needed pattern, texture, and color with them!

    Well my friend, was going through your past few blog entries...I always enjoy your blog!!! It gets my ol' head and ticker goin'! Hehe! I see that you're going to be a Grandma??? Ohhh my...that is awesome, Sweetie! Congratulations!!! And I'll be a sexy one!!!

    Love ya,

  8. What are the right amount of pillows on a bed or sofa?
    Oh, stop by my blog to answer my latest question~ Should Archie marry Betty or Veronica?

  9. I'm a shorty, like Robyn, so it's always nice to have a pillow for behind my back. In order for my feet to touch the floor, I have to practically recline, if I don't have a pillow. I agree though, there is such a thing as too many. I like a nice balance. I have five on the sofa in the living room, which might seem like a lot. They are not large. Two paisley and 3 solid; there is still room to sit.

  10. Hey Vicky, I've been supporting a family on making pillows for years. I don't think you need to have too many on a piece of furniture at one time, but it's good to have choices! Maybe several collections just to change the look of the sofa. Yep! That's what I tell people. After all, my family needs to eat!

  11. * SUSAN ("Between Naps...") basically took the words right off my keyboard!!! AND, I thought the SAME thing when I saw that LUSCIOUS last pic~~~ "It's a special space, just for LOOKING PRETTY!!!" (and if you WANT to sit & enjoy that beautiful space, yes, they just go on the floor... I mean after ALL, isn't that ONE of the things floors are "FOR"??? Smiles!)~~~

    I DO have a weakness for them Vicky, I admit it~~~ and I DO indulge.... and that CAN be a bit of a problem~~~ they take up sooo much darned valuable "storage space"!!!

    I can think of a TON of excuses to explain this "weakness", but "if all else fails", I'm gonna stick with "They're there for our SHORTER FRIENDS!"~~~~~~~ Sounds good to me!!! (Thanks, PAT & ROBYN!)


  12. * Ahhh, my girlfriend CAROL was here while I was still writing ~~~ "COOL"!!!

    NEED to tell EVERYONE that she makes T*H*E most BEAUTIFUL, INCREDIBLY PERFECTLY-FINISHED PILLOWS I have E*V*E*R seen!!! I'm NOT saying that to be nice~~~ the woman's workmanship is UNlike any I've ever seen~~~~ I treasure the two has has gifted me with... they're magnificent, and they're PRICELESS!!!!

    Hugs again,
    Linda *

  13. There are some very good pros and cons discussed here! The last picture is so beautiful & the room probably isn't used very often, so does that make it all right?

    I have bed pillows on the sofa in the family room & they're not the most lovely, but they're practical, get washed frequently & we use them every time we sit down. I have 3 decorator pillows on the living room sofa to add color & lighten the brown leather that was bought because if practical for living with our dogs. Speaking of our dogs, they have a bad habit of knocking everything off the sofas, so I'm constantly picking things up. ☺ Diane

  14. Ain't that the truth!
    Happy weekend!

  15. May you have a wonderful Memorial weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  16. Carol I could not agree more. I change mine out with the seasons and there is nothing worst than worn out pillows on a sofa... hey, why did linda get a gift and I didn't? Linda, thanks for rubbing it

  17. I need ém & adore ém. I don't mind messy w/ pillows. My hubby though is tired of my 14 pcs pillow in our bed §:-))

    Just loving them!

  18. I think I'm in love with Amelia...

    and YOU.

    I have the pillow thang going on, too.

    hacve a lovely wkend

  19. Hehehe....thanks for the laugh Vicky. I needed one.

    (Will play catchup some other time as think I caught Linda/Mom's Bronchitis. I new Computers were susceptible to catching Viruses but this is ridiculous!)

    Linda I hope you are feeling better...smiles.
    Cough, cough.....-Brenda-

  20. Oh, for the record I do love pillows, but like you I think there is a limit. (Sorry about straying off topic. It's the medication!)

  21. Okay, I'm back with my pet peeve - it's a kitchen thing - I hate when the refrigerator door handles are on the wrong side. It's easy to change out with a torx screwdriver or a hexnut driver. I don't have to deal with that problem now, because I have one of those french door fridges, but I see it happening all the time on HGTV - even our very own Angelo's RMS show. ~ Robyn

  22. Amen!!!!!!!!!
    It drives me nuts when theres no place to sit or more pillow that duvet showing.
    I love pillows & routinely shuffle them out. Its called space bags ladies. Even the finest down filled will pop back after you open..its the cheap fabrics that won't. I just wrap the in acid free tissue, into a space bag & voila or should I say whoosh air out.

  23. Dear V...thanks for the tag...but I am award and tag free blog...How are new baby coming along...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  24. this is my take on throw pillows, im very addicted but i can also have a love hate relationship with my Teens/kids/husbands and throw pillows dont mix, they are always on the floor or thrown all out of place, THIS DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! it looks exactly like you said, makes the room a mess. It has been recommended to me add pillows to our sofa for color and pattern in the room, but as i said because they dont stay in place so my color, texture and pattern gets tossed away and lost. I have three pillows in the living room at this moment, and two are on the floor, (and not nicely on the floor) they only stay nice when im here by myself or when we are all i find when i just have one on the couch, it stays put and my living room as a tidier look. Many times i will stuff the pillows in the storage ottomon because i tire of picking them up. As for the bedroom, dh complains if he goes to bed before me about removing pillows, so for now i only have one large fluffy cream colored pillow on the bed besides the king pillows that are not slept with. This is my love hate relationship with my

  25. Me again! I would be up for posting a pet peeve, I just need to think of one!!

  26. Feel better Brenda. Thanks for all the comments guys...that why I keep doing this.

  27. While a variety of pillows spread across a bed or sofa may look pretty, it's not pratical. So, I'm on the fence here (of course I have a pillow on the fence to make it more comfortable).


  28. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment. Your blog is so serene and is a visual oasis of delicate good taste. I had to laugh at the pillows post! I agree :)

    Kim x

  29. * V~~~ You silly-willy dear girl, I PAID for those pillows! Oh yeah I DID, um, yeah, sure... about $1000!!! N-O-W, does T-H-A-T make you feeeeel
    BETTER"??? (!!!WHEW!!! Did I "cover" you well, Carol??? HOPE SO!!! BIG grins!)~~~

    Thanks to my dearest MRS BEN. I'm sooo sorry YOU'VE gotten "it" too! (I'll say a prayer for you. As you know, that ALWAYS helps!~~~ miss you!!!).

    I still love that last pic~~~ such pretty, pretty colors and it "feels" sooooo GOOD!!!

    Warmest hugs & happy Memorial Day weekend to all,
    Linda *

  30. Vicky, you just let me know what kind of pillows you would like. I'll put them on Linda's account. Liar, liar pants on fire!!!! Linda got her pillows for Christmas. Vicky, when's your birthday? Everyone needs a couple of "birthday" pillows.

  31. Carol, you know I was just kidding. I would not dare ask you for pillows...thanks Happy Memorial Day to all.

  32. V--- I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it and..... you didn't ask. I offered! Do you still have my email?

  33. well......that last picture is Windsor Smith's house, which I love, so I would certainly just toss a few off and sit down. I adore her place. Now = too many pillows on the bed drives me batty.

  34. So true!
    I do love the colour scheme of that third room though - that lovely sage colour is beautiful!

  35. Carol, you are too nice ! I have said that before and I am saying it again.

  36. this made me laugh. i love pillows, as they're a great way to jazz up or change a room. but some of these are just plain crazy....i need to plop down somewhere! where, tho?! (smile) ciao -susan
