Step 5* Accessories and Lighting : When it comes to Accessories, " Less is More." I love to find special things like these two antique books that I got at a local antique store. The top one is a old school book and it belong to a boy named , " Henry Osborne". It will make your heart stop to see how carefully Henry wrote his name , address, age and the letters and numbers that he knew. This kind of accessory has a story to tell. I also put out a picture of my grandparents, with my grandma's watch and a wedding ring that my grandpa had made himself .

The lamps came from a trade I made with a friend . . . remember the great deal I found on those "Aidan Gray" lamps for my living room? How I tried to make those work, but they were just too tall, so I traded them for these, also "Aidan Gray" lamps. They were lost in my living room, but perfect here. The only new thing I bought were these two concrete birds, love them! $30

I saw some
botanical that I wanted for my room, but they cost $200 each, so I made my own. I have $110 in all six. I had my mother write famous quotes on each one. I added my own quote to this one , just for fun. It was perfect for this framed" weed". Those that take the time to notice, get a laugh at me , right there with all the greats, Churchill, Goethe, Thoreau . . .

I got this painting at a consignment store ! It is a oil painting that had the "feel "that I wanted. I made a promise to myself awhile back, that I would only bring "real" art into my home from now on. $35

This is the light that will be going in the room as soon as my husband gets in the mood. It's from Ballard Designs, $135 , I got it in the cream color.
This is the end of my recipe!!!! I am sure some of you are glad. I was getting a bit bored with it myself. I will do the "Bed" post next.
Thanks for all the sweet comments, everyone has been so kind.